Little Things, Big Joy: Solitude in January
I look forward to January, it’s the quiet after a busy Holiday season and a time that gives way to reflection. I get to review things in my business that worked, things that didn’t and what I’d like the next year to look like. It also offers a lot of me time - and I filled it with a few things that reinvigorated the well of ideas while filling my cup.
I deleted Instagram from my phone, and allowed myself to become bored. I let my mind wander, I wrote ideas down as they came to me, I spent time with friends and family.
It felt really special to allow this wholly present-ness into my life.
I do wonder, how can I get more of this throughout the year? How does that look when your business relies on networking, laptops, social media, etc.? Hmm. Something to think about.
the natural eclectic by heather ross
Not only is this book deliciously beautiful to look at - there’s a kinship in the words that Heather adds. She delivers a special point of view of her world and how she chooses items that fill her home and shop. Sometimes, as she says, these items find her. All of it stems from her childhood experiences in nature and I think that is what hits home the most for me, her adult creative work is fully rooted in childlike moments.
“I describe my personal color story as where the sea meets the shore — cooler watery tones tempered with earthy, grounded shades.”
You can find more about Heather, and purchase this book on her website (or ask a local bookstore if they can order it for you!).
just me and this 7.5’ long beauty
I had the pleasure of creating this landscape for Embrey Dental. Our local superhero dentist Dr. Lim and his lovely wife Rose contacted me to infuse some color and warmth into their Royersford dental office.
And we went big. Installation is coming up, and I can’t wait to share more photos of this beaut in her new, forever home.
gems from youtube
Well, I love youtube. I mean….love it. Obviously, we all know we can find anything at all on youtube but I really love these niche videos of fantasy and creation that popped up for me. Building fairy house in the woods, miniatures made from folk tales, apartment tours of highly creative individuals, and lots of ramen noodles. Youtube and I are very good friends these days.
Anna Kui’s otherworldly apartment tour
mrWildNature builds a fairy tale house in the forest
Minibricks Co diorama “The Deceit of Women”
Alvin Zhou and his “150-hour Chocolate Cake”
Basics with Babish has made an instant ramen noodle monster out of me
If you’re stuck inside and can’t actually get to the woods, this is a really great substitute to have on while you work.
literally making big things…small
Around this time last year I attempted my first miniature build. It was a little greenhouse kit with lots of instructions and tiny, tiny pieces. If you guessed that immediate overwhelm covered me from head to toe, you’d be correct. However, I decided to just make one thing a day.
A bench. A flower pot. A shelf. Whatever interested me and didn’t seem too difficult. I was able to build my confidence up to the hardest pieces and slowly this little dream greenhouse was real - miniature, but real.
I’m adding some miniature elements to show in May (I’ll be talking more on this soon) and where better to start than my love for this jungle plant.
my favorite guy in this life turned 37
We ended January in a renovated 1890s schoolhouse in upstate NY to celebrate Mike turning 37th! We ate so much cheese…had the wood burning stove roaring the entire time…and took a hike among a grove of hemlocks. It was perfect.
So, my friend. How did January treat you? Were you able to find some solitude, a little bit of time for yourself or tried a new recipe that you can’t stop making?
Let me invite you to share some of the little things that are giving you big joy right now ↓